Child Dechoker

Choking is a leading cause of injury and death among children, especially those younger than 4 years of age. Be prepared with the Child Dechoker. Works in seconds, easy to use. No certifications needed. Registered with the FDA as a Class I and II Medical Device.

The Child Dechoker Unit

Child Dechoker Unit

Many concerned parents have seen the National Safety Counsel (NSC) figures. Choking is a leading cause of accidental death in small children and toddlers.

But it’s not just deaths.

Let’s look at how much time you have in a choking emergency.

  • 0-4 minutes: Brain Damage Unlikely
  • 4-6 minutes: Brain Damage Possible
  • 6-10 minutes: Brain Damage Likely
  • 10+ minutes: Probable Brain Death 
  • Average 911 Emergency Response Time: 7-12 minutes

So what happens after about 4 minutes?

Brain Hypoxia is when the brain isn’t getting enough oxygen. This can occur when someone is drowning, choking, suffocating, or in cardiac arrest. The condition can be serious because brain cells need an uninterrupted flow of oxygen to function properly.

Brain Hypoxia symptoms range from mild to severe.

Mild symptoms include:

  • temporary memory loss
  • reduced ability to move your body
  • difficulty speaking
  • difficulty making sound decisions

Severe symptoms include:

  • seizures
  • coma
  • brain death

Nobody keeps track of brain injuries from choking. Just the thousands of people who die from choking every year. Every 2 hours, someone chokes to death. 

But no one keeps track of Brain Hypoxia cases after choking.

The Child Dechoker Units

Choking First Aid Device - The Child Dechoker

  • The Dechocker is a simple, high quality, medical device registered with the FDA to stop a choking emergency.
  • The operation is intuitive with sizes made for toddlers, children, and adults.
  • Having a Dechoker readily available at home or work could divert a tragic event.
  • The Dechoker is changing the way people respond to a choking emergency.
  • Make the Dechoker a part of your first aid kit today!

Registered as an FDA Class I & II medical device, the Dechoker is manufactured ISO13485 compliant.

Dechoker Toddler - Choking First Aid for Toddlers from GTEChanging the way people respond in a choking emergency, the Dechoker first aid device, can be used to save lives in every community gathering place, first responder kit, restaurant, health care facility, school, day care, business, sports venue, and most importantly, in the home.


Dechoker for children and toddlers 2It seems like a toddler explores its world with its mouth, which makes the risk of choking a continual concern. The Dechoker for Toddlers unit is designed for toddlers 12 months to 3 years of age. It has a nose piece specifically modeled for small faces as well as a shortened tube for the perfect sizing.

Be prepared for any choking emergency by keeping a Dechoker unit close at hand. It also fits in a regular sized diaper bag, stroller, or backpack so it is easily portable.


Dechoker for children and toddlersThe Dechoker for Children unit is designed for growing children from 3 years to 12 years old. It has a nose piece small enough to fit on a small child’s face but is powerful enough to dislodge debris from the airway.

When safety is your highest priority, making a Dechoker unit part of your first aid or medical kit keeps you prepared for any choking emergency. It also fits in a regular sized diaper bag, stroller, or backpack so it is easily portable.

If you are with a Federal, State, Local, and/ or Educational entity, please contact Global-Tec Enterprises, Inc. Directly:

(561) 432-1746

Order Your Dechoker Today!

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